Example Game Play

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Four players have gathered to play Vices and Vengeance.

The players roll any 20 sided die to see who goes first. They roll as follows:

  1. Jordan
  2. Taylor
  3. Casey
  4. Avery

Then, the players take turns rolling the “Mirror” die along with the 7 colored 16mm “Sin” dice.

Jordan rolls a 5, both Lust (Dark Blue) and Wrath (Red) also come up as 5s. Jordan wants to be Wrath and claims both the large d6 and the d20 Red Wrath dice!

Taylor rolls a 3, none of the remaining Sins match so Taylor rolls again, a 4! That only matches Sloth, so Taylor takes the light blue d6, and d20 Sloth dice.

Casey rolls a 2 and matches Greed, taking the Gold d6, and d20.

Avery rolls a 4, and that matches Pride. Avery takes the metal Purple d6, the transparent Purple d6 and d20. The game is ready to go!

Jordan rolls 7 smaller “Sin” dice, the d8, d10, and d12 along with Jordan’s d20 (Red), and finally the Mirror, Medusa, Silver Bullet, Werewolf, David and Goliath dice. Quite a handful!

While Jordan rolls, the other 3 players roll their Sin die, and their Nemesis d20 to see if any match!

Lust(d6) 4
Greed(d6) 3
Pride(d6) 2
Sloth(d6) 1
Gluttony(d6) 5
Envy(d6) 1
Wrath(d6) 4
d12 6
d10 2
d8 6
Silver Bullet(d6) 2
Werewolf(d6) 5
Mirror(d6) 1
Medusa(d6) 2
David(d6) 6
Goliath(d6) 6
Wrath(d20) 4

Taylor’s Sloth d6 matched, but none of the other dice did. Including matching Nemesis d20s.

Jordan must now roll the smaller and larger d6 Sloth dice and take that score immediately! Jordan rolls a 5 and a 2. Taylor must give up rolling their Nemesis die for the rest of the game! Such is Sloth.

This counts as removing a die, so Jordan is not required to remove any others, but might want to. Let’s examine which ones Jordan may want to remove:

There are no sixes in the sin dice that score zero, but David matched Goliath for a zero score, so Jordan also removes those. Nothing else is worth scoring.

Jordan rolls again:

Lust(d6) 1
Greed(d6) 3
Pride(d6) 4
Gluttony(d6) 4
Envy(d6) 1
Wrath(d6) 4
d12 6
d10 3
d8 1
Silver Bullet(d6) 3
Werewolf(d6) 4
Mirror(d6) 6
Medusa(d6) 6
Wrath(d20) 1

No matches! The Mirror matched Medusa, so that is removed, and Jordan has fulfilled the requirement to remove a score each roll! Nothing else is worth removing so Jordan’s score is still 5.


Jordan rolls again:

Lust(d6) 2
Greed(d6) 1
Pride(d6) 1
Gluttony(d6) 2
Envy(d6) 3
Wrath(d6) 1
d12 5
d10 9
d8 6
Silver Bullet(d6) 6
Werewolf(d6) 5
Wrath(d20) 1

Again! No matches. Jordan is rolling lucky! Since the Silver Bullet and Werewolf have to be scored at the same time, Jordan decides to take 1 point to remove them. That 9 on the d10 is only 1 point as well, so Jordan scores that too. The 6 on the d8, is debatable, so Jordan will wait on that. They don’t want to take 2 points .Jordan’s score sits at 7, now.Jordan rolls again:

Lust(d6) 3
Greed(d6) 1
Pride(d6) 6
Gluttony(d6) 2
Envy(d6) 4
Wrath(d6) 3
d12 4
d8 6
Wrath(d20) 16

Wow! No matches still! Casey and Avery were close on the Nemesis rolls with a 15 and a 11 respectively, but no match! They would really like to make Jordan roll the additional d20 to rack up as many points as possible!

Jordan removes the Pride d6 for zero points; really debates getting rid of the vulnerability in having a d20 to score and possibly match but decides to keep rolling it for a lower score than 4.

          Jordan rolls again:

Lust(d6) 3
Greed(d6) 1
Pride(d6) 6
Gluttony(d6) 2
Envy(d6) 4
Wrath(d6) 3
d12 4
d8 6
Wrath(d20) 16

Phew! A danger-close roll, but Jordan can score both Greed and Envy and stay at 7 points! Because somehow, nobody matched! This is a crazy run of good luck.

Jordan rolls again:

Lust(d6) 2
Gluttony(d6) 2
Wrath(d6) 5
d12 9
d8 2
Wrath(d20) 12

Somehow Jordan keeps dodging all the matches, but now is rethinking not scoring that 16 when they had the chance! Jordan has to take a point on Wrath. Total score so far, 8.

Jordan rolls again:
Lust(d6) 5
Gluttony(d6) 2
d12 11
d8 4
Wrath(d6) 4

Avery’s 16 and Casey’s 15 miss Jordan’s 4 by a mile, but it’s getting scary anyhow for Jordan. The only good news is that the d12 is an 11 can Jordan scores it for 1 point. Now Jordan’s debate is whether to get rid of Lust. It provides some score protection for the larger dice, but Jordan decides they’ll let Gluttony provide a buffet, I mean, buffer. Jordan removes the d12 and Lust for a score of 2 and a total of 10. Still going well.

Jordan rolls again.

Gluttony(d6) 2
d8 4
Wrath(d20) 14

Yuck! Bad roll. Jordan chooses the 4 on the d8 to score because they want at least two tries to get a decent score on their d20. Total score 14.

Jordan rolls again:
Gluttony(d6) 3
Wrath(d20) 16

Ha! Jordan must settle for a 4 point 16 anyhow. Score is 18, Jordan is going to take a chance on rolling better than a 3.

Gluttony(d6) 3

Jordan does it again. Roll score 21. Next is Taylor’s roll. Jordan takes their Wrath d20 back to try to give Taylor points! And so it continues…