Helpful Terms

  • Attacking Player (AP): The player on the side rolling a d20 Nemesis die, and their assigned Sin die to try to match the Defending Players dice.
  • Common “Sin” Dice: A set of seven 6-sided dice that match the Player “Sin” Dice in color and sin representation but are used collectively by all players during their turns.
  • Defending Player (DP): The player taking a turn and rolling 17 dice.
  • Metal Purple “Pride” Die: A special 6-sided die representing the sin of Pride. This die has unique properties or effects in the game.
  • Matching Nemesis and Sins: A game mechanic where a player’s Nemesis die matches the number on their Sin die, potentially leading to scoring zero points for both dice under certain conditions.
  • Max Roll: The highest possible roll on a die. In the game, rolling a die’s maximum number results in scoring zero points for that roll, which is desirable.
  • Mythical Match-up Dice: A set of six 6-sided dice that come in pairs, each pair themed around a mythical confrontation (e.g., Mirror & Medusa, David & Goliath, Silver Bullet & Werewolf). Since they must be scored/removed at the same time, these dice add a layer of strategy and randomness to the game.
  • Nemesis Dice: These are seven 20-sided dice that correspond to each of the Seven Deadly Sins. They play a crucial role in the game’s strategy and scoring.
  • Non-Max Roll: Any roll on a die that is not the maximum number. These rolls accumulate points, with the goal being to keep one’s score as low as possible.
  • Out of Play or Destroyed: Dice that are permanently removed from the game through Wrath or Sloth matches.
  • Player “Sin” Dice: These are seven 6-sided dice, each representing one of the Seven Deadly Sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride). Players use these dice to influence the game’s outcome based on the sin they represent.
  • Reserves: The starting location of Sins that are not assigned to Players.
  • Scoresheet: A tool provided with the game to help players keep track of their scores, the sins in play, and other important information during gameplay.
  • Sin and Nemesis Effects: Special actions or effects that are triggered when certain conditions are met, usually related to the matching of Sin dice. These effects vary depending on the sin involved and can significantly alter the game’s dynamics.
  • Sin Token: A marker or token used to keep track of a player’s chosen or assigned sin throughout the game.